Meniscus XVI Grande
'Garages (Entry)'
'Out the back (Mum's Green Gate)'
'Path down to the Farm'
'The Season Turns (Ploughed Field)'
High Summer (Up on the Ridge)
The Kissed Tree
Winter Field
Église Notre-Dame de Dijon
Hôtel de Berbis. Dijon
Dimanche Après-midi : Petit Rue de Suzon. Dijon.
‘Ruelle de l'église Notre-Dame de Dijon’
Entry (to Fenton Baptist Church)
The Paradise (on Paradise Street)
The Stand-alone House (Joiner's Square)
The Black Gable End
Franky's is Dead (Long live The Five Towns)
Up to the Observatory
The Fenton Fryer
Price & Kensington (Top Works Bottle)
The Dudon Bottle Kiln
Enson Works